Pros and Cons of Neutering Your Man Dog
When moving in animal rescue circles one often hears the mantra, “Spaying and neutering is a social responsibility.” There’s also the common refrain, “How we treat animals is a reflection of how we treat ourselves.”
Given this we thought it might be a good idea to examine exactly why we spay and neuter our animals in the hopes it might shed some light on how we treat ourselves in these troubled times.
Neutering Our Poor Puppies and the Implications for Mankind
The primary reason we spay and neuter is to keep down the huge and ever growing unwanted pet population. That’s an excellent reason to spay and neuter our own species, and the reasons we don’t do this (save for the tragic and brutal wave of unnecessary hysterectomies in this country which we’ll examine in Part II of this series) beg the question: why not find a less painful, brutal and invasive method to treat our animals? Why not a doggie vasectomy or tubal ligation? (Relax, we’re not espousing a doggie condom, diaphragm or pill, though we often wonder if some owners would go to this length after watching them brush their dogs’ teeth as well as trail them with the infamous scooper and plastic bag).

Surprise! Men and Women Have Different Views on Neutering
The first thing one notices in sampling the available literature is opinions on neutering differ sharply and predictably along gender lines. Women are the primary caretakers of animals in this country (as well as being a large majority of those who volunteer at animal shelters), and also the most steadfast voices in favor of spaying and neutering.

(Editor’s Note: We confirmed this on a recent trip to the suburbs, they were all sitting around still wagging their tails as if nothing had happened, still fat, dumb and happy. The dogs, of course, we mean).
Next Up: Why Have the Feminists Been So Quiet Lately and What Exactly Are They Up to Behind Our Backs?
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